Supplier FAQ's

Human Resource Summit 2025
15 - 17 October
Dolce CampoReal, Lisbon

The Summit will take place at the Dolce CampoReal, Lisbon

All participants will stay at the venue; we cover the cost of 2 nights' accommodation, all meals and refreshments. We will also cover return travel (up to a maximum of £150).

Please note all evening mealtimes are part of the Summit. There will be a chance for informal networking over lunch.

Is there a cancellation penalty?
In the event that the Supplier wishes to cancel the booking, the fee will remain payable in full but the Organisers will endeavour to reallocate the place and after deduction of all costs thereby incurred to credit the Supplier with money received against the fee. The Organisers shall, in any event, charge the Supplier a cancellation fee whether or not the Supplier's place is reallocated of 20% of the fee in the event that cancellation takes place 2 months or more prior to the Summit and 100% of the fee in the event that cancellation takes place within 2 months of the Summit.

What is the pre-event selection process?
We use an online dashboard for the selection process. Prior to selections, we will ask delegates to complete a company profile which will give critical information about purchasing priorities to enable suppliers to make well-informed choices. Suppliers also complete a questionnaire, which will give delegates an insight into the products and services on offer at the Summit.

Once selections open, we ask both parties to choose who they would like to meet. On average delegates will make 10 supplier requests.

Suppliers will be required to select the number of one-to-one meetings included in their package plus an additional 10 selections as back up. In addition, Suppliers will also have the opportunity to have up to 4 mealtime meetings per representative.

The rating system is as follow:

‘A’ - Highest priority. Most likely to be scheduled as one-to-one meetings

‘B’ - Will be allocated as one-to-one or mealtime meetings

‘C’ – Will usually be allocated to mealtime meetings

Meetings are allocated on a point-based system, for example, a double sided 1:1 ‘A’ request from both parties has the most likelihood of being scheduled. As suppliers are the paying party the system will always prioritise their selections. It is not compulsory for a delegate to request a supplier for a meeting to be allocated.

It is a very transparent process; both parties can see who they have been selected by. All participants will receive their schedules to review prior to the Summit.

Your schedule will be available to review a week before the event, which will allow enough time for both delegates and suppliers to provide feedback and to make any amendments.

Is there an opportunity to make contact with each other ahead of the Summit?
Participants will have the opportunity to message each other ahead of the event via the online dashboard to provide further details about why they wish to meet each other. For example, you may already have dealings with their company, or you have a specific service/product that you want to highlight to them. Whatever the message may be, this is an effective way of bringing your company to each other’s attention and will increase your chances of being selected. Only the participant receiving the message will be able to see it.

What support do we receive during the process?
Before the meeting selections open, we will arrange a time to meet with you and the people who are representing your company at the Summit. This meeting normally takes an hour, its purpose is to run through the event, give you a demonstration of the online dashboard and the selection process and show you how to use the system to its full potential. We will also discuss the delegate expectations, share our views/client feedback on what works and what doesn’t. You will be assigned an Account Manager, who will know about your business, core services, and what makes you unique and, where appropriate, can recommend you to delegates. The Summit Events team will support and offer assistance throughout the whole process.

What is the typical return suppliers see?
On average suppliers tell us that they will work with 2-3 of the delegates within a 6-12-month period post-event. It is common for at least one company to become a major client for bespoke, on-going work.

What is the average deal size?
Based on recent research, the first 12 months after the Summit the average deal size would be approx. £50K. We would be more than happy to arrange a referral with any of our clients if you would like to hear more about their successes and likely ROI.